AccessAgility Blog

Building a Wired Backbone Installation Kit

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 7, 2018 10:29:42 AM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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It is important to understand that a wireless network isn’t wireless at all. There are cables, access points, and various other pieces of hardware that need to be installed when implementing a wireless network. With any installation, there are specific tools that are required to get the job done. While a WiFi project might require some specific tools depending on the building’s materials, size, and network needs, we have compiled a list of the basic tools and materials needed for a WiFi installation kit.

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Personal WiFi Routers / MiFi Impact on Office WiFi

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 31, 2018 4:16:29 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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A personal WiFi router is generally used for residential purposes. They are directly connected to a modem that is provided to you by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and are capable of propagating wireless signal throughout a home.

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Introduction to 5 GHz WiFi Channels

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 17, 2018 2:08:37 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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WiFi signal at 20 MHz has a very distinct shape. This shape leads to overlap on other WiFi channels that can be used for setting up access points (AP). Unlike 2.4 GHz channels, all 25 of the available 5 GHz channels are non-overlapping at 20 MHz wide.

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For best practices, it is highly recommended to choose different 5 GHz 20 MHz channels:

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Consumer/Home vs Enterprise Access Points

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 10, 2018 3:28:06 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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The demand for wireless connectivity is ever increasing as wireless technology has become a staple in almost every device used in frequently trafficked buildings, from single-family homes to commercial airports. The number of devices connected to WiFi increases exponentially depending on the intended purpose of the wireless deployment.

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WiFiPerf / iPerf for WiFi Access Point Stress Testing

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 19, 2018 1:50:42 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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WiFiPerf Professional is a bandwidth performance measurement app for Mac OS that operates as a testing client when connected to different testing servers. The app is used to test Mac OS, iOS, Windows, and Android that run either iPerf2/iPerf3 (server mode) or WiFiPerf EndPoint.

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Best WiFi Channel to Use for 2.4 GHz

[fa icon="calendar'] May 16, 2018 10:56:57 AM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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Short Answer: Only use channel 1, 6, or 11.

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Campus WiFi Upgrade Process

[fa icon="calendar'] May 7, 2018 2:13:31 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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Upgrading the WiFi in a large space is a big project. Upgrading the WiFi on a university’s campus is a huge project. With numerous academic and residential buildings, stadiums, and even outdoor areas, it is imperative to plan the project accordingly so as to not disrupt business, learning, and living conditions. A complete WiFi upgrade is not a simple task. It takes planning and patience. There are three main phases of a campus WiFi upgrade: design, installation, and testing.

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Smart Warehousing Operations

[fa icon="calendar'] May 1, 2018 10:49:12 AM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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Warehouses have started to incorporate sensors into their infrastructure in order to help control and manage HVAC and lighting systems. Applying smart warehouse energy management to these systems allows for facilities to optimize energy consumption. The lighting in a typical warehouse can account for up to 70% of the facility’s energy use. Meanwhile, smart lighting automatically dims or brightens an area based on activity. HVAC systems have also benefited from these sensors since they can monitor and regulate temperature and ventilation, ensuring product integrity.

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How to Budget for a WiFi Project

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 23, 2018 8:00:00 AM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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Most organizations have a budget process that must be followed to allocate funds. In some cases, these project funds are allocated on a yearly cycle. Therefore, when planning a WiFi project, it is important to understand all aspects and stages of the project in order to determine an appropriate budget. While every project will ultimately have different requirements, all WiFi projects have the same four cost elements - labor, materials, other direct costs (ODC), and travel, which can be broken down as follows:

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Leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) for Warehousing and Logistics

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 20, 2018 8:00:00 AM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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The Internet of Things has become so increasingly common that it has started to influence the way in which we live, work, and communicate with the people and things around us. By adding smart technologies to devices, machines, and buildings, we have managed to connect physical objects to wireless networks in order to control and monitor them.

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